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Welcome to the Q & A section of our web site. No mater your background of windsurfing or sailing we think we can answer your questions before you ask. You may be a long-time windsurfer and you're interested in giving windfoiling a go or from a non-windsurfing background. We have many new windfoilers from other sailing boats enjoying our sport with us. Whichever way it is, we hope we can answer your questions in our Q & A – please also check the links below to other great windfoiling resources.
What is the best way to start windfoiling?It depends on your location and windsurf experience. If you have windsurfed before you will take to windfoiling like a duck to water. Hit up you local windsurf school and have a go, or just buy the equipment – you will not regret it!
What are the lightest wind strengths I can windfoil in?You need 5-7 knots of wind to get up on the foil, depending on your equipment and ability. A sailor of high ability can foil in 4 knots with the right sail, foil and technique. A sailor of intermediate ability will need more like 6 - 7 knots.
What equipment should I start out with?You need to have an idea of what sort of windfoiling you would like to do. Race sails and race foils are generally bigger than their freeride counterparts, they go faster and point higher upwind and lower downwind.
How much wind can a windfoil handle?We have been pushing the limits of what we can sail with at the upper wind strengths. We have seen sailors with 9.0m2 sails in 30 knots of wind. Technique and sea state have a large effect on this however.
Is windfoiling easy?Are elephants heavy?
Top tips for light wind?Set your equipment up with a little more power. This means less downhaul and eased outhaul, and move your mast track back roughly 2 cms from your default setting.
What are the best tips for strong wind?Its all about settings – understanding your rig and board. Things to think about are how to depower your sai; outhaul; downhaul and moving mast track position.
What are some tunning tips?Connect with one of our Windfoil1 coaches.
What size sails should I start with?It depends on your size and your experience – but we suggest a 7m soft sail. You will out grow this very quickly. Bic Techno sails work very well also.
What foil should I buy to race?If you are intending to race, we suggest you buy any race foil to start with. You will progress very quickly, futureproof yourself with good gear or gear you can upgrade piece by piece.
What board should I use?Wide boards are best.
Is racing different on windfoil?Yes and no. It's faster and your decisions need to be precise. Speed and strategy are pararmount, boat on boat tactical sailing is key, it's just another boat.
How fast can you go?The top recorded speed on a windfoil is 35 knots. While racing you will do between 15-18 knots upwind, and up to 26 knots downwind.
What to do in a crash?The best thing to do is hold onto your boom. Most crashes come from foiling too high and the foil cavitates and you crash back to the water. Sometimes you will go over the front –hang on, it's only water. By holding on you eliminate the risk of falling on the foil of the board.
How do you coach windfoiling?Enter your answer here
What should I do to help my coaching of windfoil?From our experience you should get out and have a play yourself. Be careful, it is addictive. Coaching is a very broard term, but it's all the same as current windsurfing.
How does a coach tow a windfoil board?If you tow slow you can have the foil in the water. Should you want to go faster you will want to have the foil out of the water, put the rig accross the boat and tip the board upside down. Best if the sailor sits on the nose of the board.
How to rescue a windfoil sailor?You will need to assess the sittuation first, if the sailor needs attention, leave the equipment to another rescue boat. Coming along side the board is best then the sailor can jump directly into the support boat. As above tip the board upside down.
WHat sail sizes are best.Enter your answer here
What foil is best for meHere at WIndfoil 1 we are into racing, you need a race foil set up with a mast of 95-1m long. Fulelarge 10-120 cm long Front wing of 800cm squqard The differing brands offer different sizes for different conditions. Our first foils were Starboard Race set up, this a balanced easy to learn foil. You are better to invest in a better foil to satrt with as you will out grow a cheeper alloy foil quickly if you intend to race.

Windfoilzone is a great resource for windfoil tips and information, check out their web site and blog posts:
A great introduction to windfoiling, watersports instructor Sam Ross takes you through the steps in:
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