​in history we have got the opportunity to bring together the sport of windsurfing, both in terms of the competitors, but equally on the side of the brands. It has been heartening to see our foundation industry partners come together to compromise and agree on equipment parameters and rules for the benefit of the sport. Our vision is to bring together as many of the brands as possible to participate in the WF1 Registration Program. Many of the brands currently have race-legal equipment, while many other will only have to make mild tweaks to get there. To allow the broadest participation as possible we have set out transition regulations for 2020.
As mentioned elsewhere on this site, the board is a one-design component that can be licensed out to be produced to whomsoever wishes.The rest of the components will operate on a Registered Series Production system. From 2021 brands willing to register their equipment to be eligible to race will have to obtain a WF1 Series Production certificate through said system. A few key points:
The minimum production run of components will be 50 per year for each individual component. Those must be available for public purchase. The registration system will require the WF1 Class measurer to approve the designs before a certificate is issued.
The full Series Production registration system will take effect from 1 January 2021.
The series production components need to be registered by the 1st January 2021, for use in 2021 and 2022.
From August 2022 brands must register their final designs for the 2024 Olympic Games, which will be locked until the day after the end of the Olympic Regatta.
For equipment to be used within the class before 1 January 2021, WF1 will issue a list of equipment publicly available on the market which meets the Class's transition rules. That list will be deemed the registered series production list for 2020.
Any questions, get in touch.